Depression is NOT sadness

Depressed and you just don't get it. Every adult has experienced sadness. And yes, it is a miserable thing. But sadness is not depression. True depression is a mismatched jumble of feelings and emotions that don't require a trigger and are often debilitating. It is the brain's chemistry messing with you and each person experiences, expresses depression uniquely. What I know to be true is the fastest way to get folks to stare blankly or just walk away is tell them you are depressed. With all that is written and with all the opinions on what to say to depressed people, most people just don't have a clue or worse, they do have a clue and just don't want to deal with you. Plus, there isn't anything anyone can say to change the brain chemistry. Sure we can take drugs to change the chemistry of our brains. But that changes a lot of other things as well. The side effects, the long-term damage, the dependency, for many, is not worth it. Or it is worth it but the d...